
Provide enough context about the project to help others provide feedback, including business and user objectives and technical constraints.


Briefly describe the problem you are trying to solve and highlight particular challenges the design intends to address.

Type of feedback

Communicate what stage of fidelity you are at, what type of feedback you are looking for, and what kind of feedback you are not looking for to keep the discussion focused.

Please give feedback on

Prepare specific questions such as “I’m trying to decide between these two options for these reasons...”

Please hold or follow up later

Say what feedback you’re not looking such as “Please hold on with feedback on detailed visual design…”


List your design explorations and their trade-offs, including Figma links to help others access the file. Have everyone jump into observation mode in Figma.


List all helpful resources such as product briefs, product specs, relevant research documents, video snippets, or customer quotes.