Status “Candidate” or “Discovery” or “Delivery” or “Private beta” or “Public beta” or “Released”
Team Name (Engineering: xx, Product: xx, Design: xx)
Summary 2-line description of this opportunity
Timeline When will this ship approximately
Designs Link to the design file
Slack channel #f-feature-name

🔎 Summary

3-5 tweet length description of the opportunity clearly articulating the user and business problem, the objectives of this work, and the proposed solution.

💡 Customer insights

Clearly summarize and articulate the most relevant insights from user research into key themes, including verbatim quotes or video snippets that exemplify the given theme.

👥 Target audience

Describe who you are building this feature for and why. This can be described as a persona, a market segment, or a specific job to be done.

⏰ Why now

Explain the timing of this opportunity and articulate why it is important to act on this opportunity now rather than later.

📐 Success metrics

Outline the key metrics or success criteria that will be used the success of this work and explain why it is important, if not obvious.